Prevention is important at any age, not only because it can give us more years of life, but also because it promises a better quality of life.
It is important for each examinee to know that he / she should consult the attending physician and know his / her history, in order to evaluate him / her clinically and to recommend the appropriate diagnostic tests for him / her.
* Every two years or whenever the referring physician seems it necessary, a bone density test should be performed to investigate possible osteoporosis in all women after osteoporosis and in all men older than or equal to 65 years of age. Bone density testing can also be done in younger people (<50 years old) in the presence of risk factors. In people with a family history of fractures, in premature menopause, in metabolic and endocrine diseases, in people weighing <60 kg, in alcohol abuse, etc.
Once a year, it is advisable to have an abdominal ultrasound and a thyroid ultrasound preventively.
When should an asymptomatic patient have a color triplex carotid ultrasound (to assess the risk of stroke):
• patient with high blood pressure
• patients with hypercholesterolemia
• in smokers
• in patients with first-degree relatives with atherosclerosis developed before the age of 55 in men and 65 in women
• family history of stroke.
• In people 55 years and older, with cardiovascular risk factors (hypertension, diabetes, smoking, hypercholesterolemia, known cardiovascular disease)
Preventive screening for breast cancer (mammography every 2 years in women over 70 years with a life expectancy> 5 years).
Preventive screening for lung cancer, screening of the respiratory system, sleep disorders and screening of smokers.